What we offer

Farriery Service

Professional farriery service offering a variety of options

For more info - Farriery Service

Farriery & Professional Hoof Care Tuition

Anything from a full day clinic presentation to hands on tuition. Or even some help, advice or guidance.

for more info - Farriery & Professional Hoof care

Horse Owners

Individual or group learning through presentations or hands on experience.

Anything from basic daily hoof care management through to more in depth anatomy or biomechanics.

For more info - Horse Owners

Video Tutorials

We offer an evolving range of tutorial videos on different topics like general farrier-horse related info, hoofcare, trimming, shoeing, and forging. These videos are short, informative, and designed to share tips and techniques to enhance your knowledge and skills. Think of them as individual puzzle pieces that will contribute to your learning and expertise.

create account or login - Members area

General Sales

As well as the sale of our general artifacts, we offer a service of custom made items.

Please follow the link for more info and past creations - General Sales

“Ian’s classic Ianalogy’s worked great and really engaged the group. Everybody that attended had only positive feedback.”

— Mark Gilliver AWCF